"A powerful and deeply human choreography, performed with energy and emotion...thought-provoking and moving"
(Londondance) "I think the only way to sum it up would be ‘charming’" (A Younger Theatre) "The work created was detailed, atmospheric, characterful, and enticing. The students embarked on a journey of imagination, curiosity" (Lee Lappin Creative Director Scottish School of Contemporary Dance) "The juxtaposition of the comical and the sinister running side by side throughout the work is used to great effect" (Cloud Dance Festival) ''It was incredible ... I was engaged, choreographically it was so visually stunning'' (Lukas Tyrell MacFarlane MOVE IT & Capezio Championship) "It was fabulous, it was very unique ... I love originality that is what we need today" (Arlene Phillips MOVE IT & Capezio Championship) |
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